We are proud of our Cathedral students for telling their truth as they know it.
Meet this evening's preacher...

CSM Position: Core Team Member
Degree: BA, Linguistics and Psychology
From: Swakopmund, Namibia
Gospel Reading: Luke 17: 5-10
The apostles said to the Lord,
"Increase our faith!" The Lord replied, "If you had faith the
size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, `Be uprooted and
planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.
"Who among you would say to your
slave who has just come in from plowing or tending sheep in the field, `Come
here at once and take your place at the table'? Would you not rather say to
him, `Prepare supper for me, put on your apron and serve me while I eat and
drink; later you may eat and drink'? Do you thank the slave for doing what was
commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were ordered to do,
say, `We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have
We have just heard the reading for
tonight. Although it was read as one reading, it really has two parts it can be
divided into.
And the apostles said
to the Lord “Increase our faith.” So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a
mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and
be planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.
This is the first part. “Faith as a
mustard seed” – what does this mean? Well, here is a mustard seed. It is tiny;
you can hardly see it from afar.
And yet the Lord says; if you have
faith as a mustard seed, you could tell a mulberry tree to plant itself in the
sea, and it would obey. How is this possible? Think about a mulberry tree being
uprooted and planted in the sea – it seems impossible, thinking about it
logically. But it shouldn’t be taken literally of course. What this parable is trying to tell us is
that even when our faith is little, the impossible is possible with God. This
is a concept that might be hard to grasp.
Tonight I want to share with you how my
little mustard seed of faith, made the seemingly impossible, possible. I was
born into a Christian family, with my dad being a pastor of the German Lutheran
church. I grew up learning about the Christian faith. When my siblings and I
were old enough to think for ourselves, my parents told us that they would
never force us to stay in the Christian faith if we decided otherwise. Yet,
both my siblings and I chose to continue to grow in it. In 2008 my faith hit
rock bottom. I was faced with something I was not quite sure how to deal with.
For over half a year I fought with myself and my parents started to notice. With
a bit of a nudge from my cousin I finally took a leap of faith. I sat down with
my parents and after many tears on my part; I told my parents that I was gay. As Cath would say, whoops, there it is!
Although I knew my parents well enough
to know that they would not reject me, I was still scared what their reaction
would be. My gay cousin, to whom I obviously came out first, told me: Simone,
don’t worry about your parents. After all it was your dad who told my mother
that I wouldn’t burn in hell forever.
And still, I was very much aware of the
fact that, being gay as a Christian, I might have to face judgement, rejection,
people throwing bible verses at me that stated that being gay was a terrible
sin. The reaction of my parents was simple. They came and hugged me and told me
that it’s ok. I will never forget the words my dad said: Simone, even if it
ever came to the point where I would have to choose between my job and you, I
would always choose you.
Here I was, my faith tiny as a mustard
seed, and suddenly the impossible seemed possible. The reaction of my parents
gave me strength, hope and encouraged me. And so my faith grew. Step by step I
came out to the rest of my family, to my friends. And every one of them told me
that they loved me unconditionally and that nothing would change that. I had
expected some negative reactions and possible rejections – but no; instead I
was pleasantly surprised by the loving and welcoming arms that received me. And
so my mustard seed of faith grew, and took roots. God could have sent people my
way that would have crushed my tiny seed of faith. People who would have hurt
me. What would have happened to my seed then? It wouldn’t have grown. It might
have died completely. Would I still be standing here tonight, as strong in my
faith, loving and serving God as I do today? I don’t know, but I highly doubt it.
This is where the second part of the
reading comes in:
which of you, having a servant ploughing or tending sheep, will say to him,
when he has come in from the field, ‘Prepare something for my supper, and gird
yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat
and drink’? Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were
commanded him? I think not. So likewise you, when you have done all those
things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have
done what was our duty to do”
At first glance, I didn’t quite
understand the reading. As I sat with Paul to discuss my sermon, he asked me:
Who is the master and who are the servants? The master is God. The servants are
us; you and me. Bearing that in mind let me tell you about the first and last
hurtful experience I had since I came out.
When I came out to my other cousin and
his wife, they responded negatively as opposed to everyone else. In a nutshell,
they told me that it wasn’t the right path for me and that it wasn’t who I was,
or who I was meant to be. This was painful. Fortunately by this time my faith
was strong enough to pick me up. Almost three years later my cousin’s wife
asked to speak with me. She started crying and told me about this marriage
seminar she and my cousin had attended. During one of the sessions God touched
her and spoke to her. He conveyed to her that she had done someone wrong and
that she was meant to ask for forgiveness. So she told me: Simone I have done
you and Jamie wrong. When you came out to us I should have responded the way a
Father such as our heavenly Father would have: with love. Instead I responded
in an unloving and judgemental manner. It weighs on me and I ask for your forgiveness.
I told her that I had forgiven her a
long time ago. She was so happy because she had made right with God and me.
We are the servants. And as His
servants we have duties, Christian duties. A part of these are the Ten
Commandments. One of these commandments is to love thy neighbour as you love
yourself. What my cousin’s wife had done three years later, was simply to
fulfil her Christian duty. God told her that she had hurt someone, and so she
asked for forgiveness. I, in turn, fulfilled my duty by forgiving her. She
fulfilled her duty by showing me love. This is what God expects from us. He is
a God of Love. It is our duty to love and serve him, and to show love to
In a book called “Radical Love – An
introduction to Queer theology” by Patrick Cheng, the term ‘queer’ is explained
and I will briefly explain it here. It is an umbrella term that refers to
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning and other
individuals with non-normative sexualities and/or gender identities. And, it
can also include those who are neither of the above, but stand in solidarity
with their queer sisters and brothers in terms of seeking a more just world
with respect to sexuality and gender identity. I am quite fond of this
definition of queer, because it includes everyone. Hence, we move from a
derogatory perspective of the word to a more positive one.
In his book, Chang writes the
following: “If radical love is understood as a love so extreme that it
dissolves boundaries, then Jesus Christ is the living embodiment of the
dissolution of boundaries”. It was Jesus himself who constantly dissolved the
religious and social boundaries of his time. He ate with tax collectors,
prostitutes, and sinners. He touched “unclean” people such as lepers and
bleeding women. He spoke with social outcasts such as Samaritans. In other
words, Jesus Christ dissolved the ‘holy’ boundaries of clean and unclean, holy
and profane, and saint and sinner. He challenged the religious and political
authorities of his day – to such an extent that he was ultimately put to death.
This is our challenge as God’s servants.
It is my challenge, it is our challenge: to dissolve the social and religious boundaries
that exist between people of our time; between those who believe that being
queer is a sin and those who are queer themselves. Boundaries that exist
between races, cultures, classes, religions. These
hurt people and separate people from each other. There should be no boundaries
between a church and its people. Whom the church welcomes in its midst should
not be based on any conditions. We are all His children and we all have the right,
right to love Him, serve Him and worship Him. The rift between people is
created by us.
I found a picture on FB a while ago,
showing Christians standing at a gay parade. Their shirts read: I’m sorry. The
posters read: We are sorry for the way the church has treated you. It is a very
powerful picture. These people fulfilled a Christian duty. Showing love, asking
for forgiveness.
I feel so blessed to be in a church and
community such as the Cathedral’s. No-one should ever be turned away for any
reason at all. This church has welcomed me with open arms even before they knew
that I was queer as well as after. God does not turn anyone away who seeks Him.
My confirmation verse I chose for myself says exactly that in Proverbs 8:17, “I
love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find me”.
God is not defined by boundaries. There
is neither limit nor condition to His love and His forgiveness. His power and
might are endless. It is us who put a boundary to God and His love and
acceptance toward others. Who are we to judge? It is to God, and to God alone
to whom we have to answer one day. Not anyone else. I don’t believe that I have
sinned by loving another human being, who happens to be a girl. How can I be so
confident about that? I love and serve a God whose love is unconditional. For You,
me, everyone. Personally He has shown me His love in so many ways. It is
through His mercy that we experience this unconditional love – it is His gift
to us. And this unconditional love we can pass on to others.
As God’s servants we are called to do
what Jesus himself did in dissolving boundaries. Open your minds and your
hearts, and send out love, not hate, be accepting rather than rejecting,
forgiving rather than holding grudges. Once we have fulfilled our Christian
duties and done what we were commanded to do, instead of expecting thanks, we humbly
say as the scripture tells us to: We are unprofitable servants. We have done
what was our duty to do. Amen.
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